Seeking and Serving God With a Pure Heart

Going all in on loving God changed my life. That’s not surprising in some ways, perhaps. In many relationships, what we get out of it depends on what we put in. But God is the only one that will never disappoint us. Which makes going all in on loving him the absolute best thing we could ever choose to do … because God! All knowing, all powerful, 100% love.
I pray our hearts burn with passion for God Almighty, King Jesus, Holy Spirit.
As I was praying and pressing in this morning, I felt God give me some bolder words than usual. Maybe even prophetic words. And I got a bit nervous about sharing because who am I that God would speak through me? But that’s the thing right … God does want to speak through all of his children. And he promises that in the last days, his sons and daughters will prophecy.
*‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. (Acts 2:17)
So I want to pray against us falling into the enemy’s traps, to keep us muzzled, fearful about claiming our identity and purpose in Christ. I pray we seek and serve God with pure hearts as best as we can, that we continue to be faithful and obedient to his call.
Today I felt God say that this pandemic was necessary to shake people out of their slumber. That he is coming again, there will be gnashing of teeth, and that it is not his will for any to perish. That the more pure and holy we are, the cleaner our testimonies will be. To preach that holiness is what the world needs. That the holiest will be the brightest lights for him now and in the age to come.
*Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God. (2 Corinthians 7:1)
Let’s encourage each other to pursue holiness. To watch our hearts, habits, what we consume with our eyes and ears, what we say, etc. We’ll never be perfect on earth but we can get better, stronger, holier, with God’s help. I pray we can grow together. ❤️