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Why God Wants Us to Be More and More Holy

Writer's picture: Jenni LienJenni Lien

I love walking with God because I feel like I learn new things everyday. Lately I’ve been very honest with God ... honestly loving, joyful, frustrated, sad. Some days I’m overwhelmed with how awesome he is. Other days I’m overwhelmed with not-so-good emotions (though learning to cast these away, lay my anxious thoughts at Jesus’s feet, and ask for his peace instead ... and repent of any tantrum throwing 😅). Some days, he comforts me, reassuring me of his good plan. Other days, he throws me a curve ball and reminds me of something totally new.

Today was a curve ball day.

Christian graphic on how to trust God and wait well by Jenni Lien of The Yay Project

I believe I hear from God quite regularly. It’s not an exact science but there’s generally a deep peace, the word matches up with the bible, a song / verse / word is exactly what I needed to hear in that moment, it’s confirmed by others, etc. God designed my brain so I know I’m smart and all but God is so much smarter. When I get a download, it’s much more exact and concise (and wise!) than how I usually think.

So while I know I hear from God, there are still times (like today) where I ask him ... God I KNOW I hear you and I do my best to lay down my desires and be 100% open to whatever you have to say ... but can I still hear wrong? Even if I’m praying about it and surrendering repeatedly? I don’t really know what I was expecting God to say. The answer is obviously yes that our human brains can miss or misunderstand what God is trying to say. But I waited expectantly anyway. And he said:

“Don’t forget your main aim is to become more and more holy.”

Whoa. I pondered that, did some research and yes indeed this is what God wants.


  • Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love (Ephesians 1:3-4)

  • As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:14-16)

There are lots of things I am waiting on and petitioning for but, even if they are in line with God’s will, it’s more important that I am learning to become more and more holy than it is to receive those things. That my character is constantly being refined to be more and more Christlike. That I become lesser and lesser so he can be greater. I needed this reminder today to think of what needs refining in my character more than my circumstances.

So God I thank you so much for this download. From my point of view there are a lot of unknowns in life but not from yours ... you know everything. I’m so happy you meet all of your children wherever we’re at and lead us back on to your path whenever we start to veer off. Help us to become more and more holy and to understand why this is so important. Pour our your love, wisdom and guidance on us today, I pray. Love you. ❤️


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