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  • Writer's pictureJenni Lien

Happy International Women's Day 2024!

Christian women international women's day

Happy International Women’s Day, everyone!

It's been a bit quieter on Yay channels lately as most of my energy has been directed at Pink and New (our first course with Ellel Ministries is out now!). After my time in Taipei (and a bit before too), it's been full steam ahead with a new business and a new job. Things are certainly busy but, as I mentioned on the podcast a few weeks back, on the best days it's a "I don't have time to stress out because I'm too busy looking at God" kind of vibe. Praying this is my default state more and more. You too? :)

If you're part of the Yay community, chances are you're a woman. I think our audience is 90%+ women. For a lot of my life, I've struggled to embrace my God-given design and wanted to fit into a female 'type' in order to be most accepted by society. But during a rock bottom 'I'm surrendering to you, God' season, he truly rebuilt me from shattered pieces, infused my cracks with his Holy Spirit, and gave me a bottomless passion for helping women celebrate their God-given design.

Here's the mission of my new business Pink and New:

Everyone has a God-given calling. Hurts hold people back. Pink and New™ amplifies how churches help Millennial and Gen Z women seek God for emotional healing, maintain their emotional health, and live out their God-given calling.

At Pink and New, we are passionate to our core about celebrating women’s voices, perspectives and experiences, and can’t wait to keep serving you with more women-focused and led resources. More to come—follow our Instagram and sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know about new releases and to meet like-minded women in our community.

Celebrating that God has made women in his image, today and every day. 🩷

Christian podcast for women

In honour of #IWD2024, we’d love to shine light on some incredible women in our community. See our interviews with them below, via our sister podcast You Are You.

  • Experiencing God's Healing Through Art with Jasmine Nguyen Gutierrez | Christian Artist & Entrepreneur Testimony (Listen on Spotify & Apple Podcasts)

  • Giving Control Back to God With Delphine Chui | Christian Charity Founder Testimony (Listen on Spotify & Apple Podcasts)

  • Learning to Balance Ambition and Surrender With Beatrice (Bee) Go | Christian Sports Journalist Testimony (Listen on Spotify & Apple Podcasts)

  • A Faith-Based Approach to Medicine With Dr. Amy Tsai | Christian Doctor Testimony (Listen on Spotify & Apple Podcasts)

  • ORTV’s Doris Brougham on Why It’s Important to Use New Media to Share the Gospel | Christian Entrepreneur Testimony (Listen on Spotify & Apple Podcasts)

  • How to Practice Slow Living as an Entrepreneur With Crystal Yeap | Christian Procreate Artist Testimony (Listen on Spotify & Apple Podcasts)

  • How God Warned Luise Berry She Was in Danger of Idolizing Her Church | Christian Pastor Testimony (Listen on Spotify & Apple Podcasts)

  • Jesus, Emotional Health & Inner Healing With Ellel Ministries’ Allicia Bankuti | Christian Testimony (Listen on Spotify & Apple Podcasts)

  • How Sylvia Yu Friedman Went From Party Girl to Anti Human Trafficking Campaigner | Christian Testimony (Listen on Spotify & Apple Podcasts)

Grateful for our community of women seeking after God's heart. 🫶

Pink and New Christian emotional health Jenni Lien

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*The Yay Project, Yay Ministries & Pink and New

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