Five Minutes in the Presence of God

“Jesus is the only One deserving and capable of opening the seal judgements to cleanse the earth and lead all its government in love, wisdom, and righteousness. Jesus deserves this honour because when He had all the glory and power, He laid it down, becoming a man and then dying for us.” (Mike Bickle’s ‘Book of Revelation’ commentary on Revelation 5:9) Reading the above brought a smile to my face and joy to my heart. Isn’t it so awesome when someone we love is honoured? I hope we never lose that awe and adoration of Jesus. Sometimes when we hear something often enough, it can lose its specialness. We become too familiar with it. But let’s not let that happen with Jesus’s sacrifice. “And they sang a new song, saying: ‘You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, And have made us kings and priests to Our God; And we shall reign on the Earth.’” (Revelation 5:9, NKJV) When I sat down to read this over lunch, my prayer was that I could be super efficient with my time. To read my Bible AND knock of five other tasks (literally 🙈). But when I read 5:9 my heart was stirred, so much so I stopped reading, closed my eyes and just soaked in God’s presence. And I felt him remind me that it’s good to be in awe, to marvel, appreciate, and let his love grip my heart. That he likes it when we’re happy, enjoying his good gifts ... they’ll give us strength, courage to live out his plan. Our schedules can be overwhelming sometimes but let’s try and make space to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading over our agendas. This change in direction took maybe five extra minutes but ... oh what a five minutes it was.
The verse also reminded me of how The Yay Project (through Instagram, Pinterest, blogging) has shown me people worshiping God in so many different nations. From the US and Canada, UK and the Netherlands, South Africa and the Maldives, Singapore and Hong Kong ... and more! Praising God for the gift of his love in that it also unites us and gives us such an incredible basis to form friendships and communities ... based on our shared passion for sharing, learning, and seeking his face. Thankful for each and every friend. “Worthy is the lamb seared on the throne, crown him now with many crowns, you reign victorious, high and lifted up, Jesus son of God.” (Hillsong Worship) #theyayproject