Megan Egenti, founder of Mrs.Egenti Ministries, based in Texas, USA
I remember the first time I read Megan's testimony on her blog, We'd been Instagram friends for a little while and I always loved reading her God glorifying posts. It was clear she loved him with all she is. But then wow reading her testimony of how God met both her and her husband as they dealt with two miscarriages... it was even more clear that her faith is true. That her smile is one of true joy, not based on circumstances but on God.
So thankful that Megan's shared some details of her walk with us today. Read on to learn about our sister in Christ!

Name: Megan Egenti
Location: Houston, TX
Age: 28
Hey Megan! Please tell us about yourself.
I’m a wife, a mother of 4, and a girl called according to his purposes.

How did you become a Christian?
I was raised up in Catholicism from a very young age. I went to catechism and got my first communion. I always had a love for God and a desire to connect with him.
But it wasn’t until my early twenties that I began to get to know Jesus and not just religion. Jesus met me in my hopelessness after two painful miscarriages, and as I grew closer to Him he revealed the Father to me in ways like never before.
During this time I began to understand what it really meant to be a Christian. I began to truly follow Christ, no longer just hearing but doing.
What’s your favourite way to experience God?
I love it when God reveals himself to me through his Word. It’s such a wonderful feeling when I receive a revelation through His scripture.

What does celebrating your God-given design mean to you?
We are uniquely made, sharing different gifts that makeup one body of Christ. When we embrace (celebrate) our unique gifts, and calling even when we don’t fully understand it, we are celebrating our God-given design.
I used to always feel like God gave me a “hard” calling because I didn’t understand how to use my gifts. I didn’t understand the impact they had. Some of my friends had gifts that were so easy to monetize, and I always struggled having to work in corporate America but wanting to work in Ministry. During this time I would often ask God what am I supposed to do with my gifts of wisdom and counseling. I’m not a counselor? You sent me to school to get a marketing degree.
It was when God began to unfold how he would utilize my unique design, that I realized He was using EVERYTHING I had experienced to prepare and equip me to operate in my God-given design.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made for a great purpose. Be patient and obedient my love, your time is coming. Do it when it doesn’t make sense, do it when you don’t feel like it, do it with a cheerful heart. Whatever he is calling you to do, do it.

How do you hold onto this when times are tough?
When times get tough I cry out to the one who answers my prayers. Someone once told me, it’s the cry of a baby that a mom responds to. If you need your Heavenly Father never be afraid to cry out, he is faithful to respond.
Second, I dive into the word, reading aloud scripture and prophesying it over my situation.
Lastly, I worship and praise the one who has already given me victory.
What encouragement would you give to a sister on seeking God in a season of heartbreak?
I would tell her that she isn't alone, the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18).
Once I was a broken and hopeless girl, looking for love in all of the wrong places. I was so blinded by my desire for love, money, and popularity that I fell into the arms of the wrong people.
I want you to know that I am grateful for every heartbreak because it brought me that much closer to my Man of God. I’m grateful that God is faithful to work everything out for my good.
Although in the midst of the pain it’s hard to see God's hand, know that He is ever-present. Know that he is perfecting everything concerning you. Boaz was not Ruth’s first husband, but he was the one for her. After heartbreak, God worked it all out for her good and he is faithful to do the same for you.
What about for those in a long season of waiting?
To the woman praying and preparing for her soul-mate don't allow the hopes of a husband to become an idol. Every season in your life has a purpose. Trust God’s timing.
There were seasons where I was single, seasons where God wanted to be my only friend, seasons where I was childless. But in every season I had God and He was the only thing needed.
In my waiting period, God was preparing me for a husband, for fellowship, for children. Wait patiently in thanksgiving for it’s already been done. In Jesus's name.
Can you share more about your plans for your blog and social channels moving forward?
I created my blog and social media channels in hopes to ignite a fire in women that pushes them to boldly walk in their purpose.
Also I am currently preparing to launch my YouTube channel. God has spoken and I’m really excited to see his purpose manifest. Subscribe now (link below!) so that you don’t miss it.
How can we pray for you?
Pray for me as the spirit leads ❤️
Megan's Favourite things
Bible verse: Proverbs 23:18
Worship song: The Hill (Travis Greene)
Way to worship: I enjoy singing to God about how great he is. (I do not have the gift of song but I have the heart of a worshiper)
Food: Homemade Enchiladas
Beauty product: Facial oil
Piece of clothing: I love a denim jacket ❤️
Place: My parents' house ❤️
Social media Links
Instagram: @mrs.egenti
Facebook: Mrs.Egenti
YouTube: Mrs. Egenti