Finding Our God-Given Purpose With Anti-slavery Campaigner Sylvia Yu Friedman

How did a self-described party girl go from underage clubbing to being one of the world’s premier experts on modern slavery? Sylvia Yu Friedman is a Hong Kong-based award-winning filmmaker and investigative journalist, speaker, and writer, who recently released her third book ‘A Long Road to Justice: Stories from the Frontlines in Asia’ (Penguin), a journalistic account of the abuse and enslavement of women and girls in Asia.
Tune in as Sylvia vulnerably and powerfully shares about her new book (including how she gained the courage to film a documentary in some of the darkest brothels in China—0.50/17:00), a rising Esther and women’s movement (7:15), how a rock-bottom moment caused her to ask ‘What is worth dying for?’ (19:30), the impact on perfectionism and ‘face’ on our willingness to testify (21:30), advice for surrendering our goals and influence for God’s glory (24:50), the importance of humility and guarding against pride (25:30), and more! & join us again next week for the second half of Sylvia’s interview, where she will share more about realities and God-focused responses to human/sex trafficking.
