How God Put My Heart Back Together
One year ago, almost to the day, my heart was broken. It was one of the hardest (if not the hardest) periods of my life but through it all I learned what it meant to ask God to carry me. For too long I had tried to live life my own way. Going in with God 75% but not being able to surrender 25% of my plans, goals, ambitions for life. In that season, I chose to trust God and have faith that he is love, he is good, and he would put me back together.

He did that and so much more.
In my surrender, God showed me what it was to be loved by him despite all my flaws. What it meant to live a Spirit-led life. How much Jesus was with me every single moment. There was no moment where I couldn’t reach out and ask for his love or help. And guys, I took advantage!! I asked for his love and help 24/7.

The Yay Project was started a few months later, because God said to do it in “August” and after some hesitancy (never had I ever written about faith...seemed so intimidating!) I obeyed. And realised that writing about faith is so natural when it’s like a love letter to God. I love God with all my heart and no matter how much things change (husband, kids, growth of Yay etc.)... Lord, help me to ALWAYS keep you first. Nothing comes close to the glory of knowing you.

And this collaboration with Wildergeese! A year ago, The Yay Project didn’t exist. I had never heard of Procreate or ever tried digital drawing. But with each step of faith, God brought me deeper into his plan and continues to blow my mind each day. Never have I ever felt more joy or purpose. And designing greeting cards... my childhood dream! To quote one of my favourite worship songs, “My life is not my own, to you I belong, I give myself, I give myself away” to you God. God, you’re the best and I’ll love you forever.

Wherever you’re at today, I pray this short reflection encourages you to seek God 100%. He’s got greater plans for you (plus joy, freedom, healing and so much more) than you could ever imagine. Enjoy relationship with him and watch him do immeasurably more. Watch yourself transform as you desire to do immeasurably more (Ephesians 3:20) for his Kingdom.