Christina Kil of Simple Gospel Co in London, UK
How I love to see sisters-in-Christ growing in their God-given calling.
I met Christina over a year ago, when she was sharing the gospel through her account Chung Writes. Over time, she began to share how she'd been sending God move her in a new direction — and it was such a delight to see the birth of Simple Gospel Co! The vision is so clear, the design so distinct, and I love seeing how Christina shares her journey vulnerably. Of guarding against performance and remembering Jesus at the heart of everything we do. So I pray you'll enjoy reading Christina's testimony — hard to believe she's only 23! If you know of a teen or fresh grad looking for inspiration on pursuing their God-given calling, why not share this testimony with them.
Happy reading. :)

Name: Christina Kil
Location: East Midlands, UK
Age: 23

Welcome! Please could you tell us about yourself and @simplegospelco?
Hello! I’m Christina and I run a little Etsy shop and creative page @simplegospelco! The purpose of both are to share the undiluted gospel, and also equip and encourage others to do so! God’s Word is so amazing and I really believe that it is transformational! So both my shop and account tend to focus on sharing, and keeping faithful to, the Bible!
I’m also the founder of @thehopemailinitiative, a non-profit project that allows people to send free biblical encouragement mail (stickers, bookmarks and more) to their loved ones! We believe that Jesus is our one true hope, and so, particularly during this pandemic, we want to equip people to be able to share that hope with no financial burden.
Lastly, i’m the illustrator at @BOKXgames, a small Christian startup! We make bible-based games and resources for children, and our mission is to have the gospel (in a box!) in homes of young families, to plant the seeds of goodness into their hearts.

Have you ever struggled with identity? How did God lead you to his truth?
Definitely! Until my first year of university, I tried to find my worth in my relationships and the things I did. That ranged from being a major people-pleaser, to even trying to please God by doing things like serving in church to try to earn His approval.
Through delving more deeply into the bible and building an intimate and personal relationship with God, I realised that my worth and identity is in Him! It hit me how God’s love is not transactional, and that my identity was His beloved daughter and bride! I didn’t have to try to earn His favour and His love for me is immovable and immeasurable. This naturally changed my relationships with people too, and I was able to build more happy and fruitful friendships!

What does celebrating your God-given design mean to you?
Being utterly content in all that I have been created to be! God has created us all wonderfully, fearfully and intentionally! So we don’t need to try to do things or be things to earn His favour, but instead naturally use the talents we have been given to love and glorify Him! We need to stop comparing ourselves and judging other people, and instead realise that God has created each of us as a special puzzle piece, with our own unique and individual role!
Also, we were made by God FOR God! The hole in our hearts are God shaped. We try to fill that void with things of this world, other identities, our businesses, creativeness - even our ministries! But in the end, only God can satisfy us. We were all designed this way!

What has God shown you about your God-given design through @simplegospelco, @thehopemailinitiative, and BOKXgames?
That I am first and foremost His beloved daughter, created to glorify Him in all that I do, say, draw and write! God has worked to refine and heal me in so many ways through this platform but He has majorly increased my contentment in Christ and my (past) need for validation.
I have also been shown the talents I have, and the ones I don’t! I no longer try to be and do everything, but instead work on using my creative gifts for Him! God has also revealed that I have a passion and zeal for His Word! Not just sharing bible-based content, but delving deep into studying and sharing about it!

How would you encourage someone who is struggling to embrace their God-given design and live out their God-given calling?
First, you need to KNOW GOD to know who you were made to be!! Spend time with Him, study the Bible and worship Him! Move away from shallow religion to a deep loving relationship! In His time, God will show you through prayer and Word, and also provide you with the opportunities you will need to discover your intentional design!
Most importantly - always seek God above any calling. Your calling is not your god! Jobs, ministries, seasons will change - it’s meant to be like that! So don’t be stressed and worried if you’re unsure of what it is. Just keep your eyes on Jesus in all that you do, and you’ll be just fine! God will lead you to where He wants you to be, if you just keep seeking Him!
Thank you for sharing your testimony! Are you open to receiving any follow-up questions? How can we contact you?
Of course! You can chat with me on Instagram or email me at !
simple gospel co
etsy shop:
BOKX games