Victoria, a pastor and singer in Canada

Ladies, as today is Mother's Day, I am thrilled to introduce to mine! My mom is hands down the most amazing woman I know. She is such a faithful daughter of God. Growing up I knew she loved my dad and loved us kids, but without a doubt God was her first love. She longed to spend time with him everyday. Was always reading her Bible, interceding for others, soaking in his presence, and evangelizing every chance she got. Even now, whenever we're in Taiwan, every taxi ride is a chance to share about Jesus! She's got a love and boldness for God that's contagious and I'm so blessed to be her daughter. If you think you're inspired by my posts, just wait until you meet my mama.

Hi Mom! Please tell us about yourself.
I am a very family oriented person and thank God everyday for my lovely family.
When I was in high school, I started to pray for my marriage. I hoped my husband would be tall, handsome, smart, talented and funny. And God really gave me such a man. Dad is the ideal man from God, for me. He has always supported and encouraged me. He tells me he is very proud of me and always tries his best to help me achieve my dreams.
My three children also make me very happy. I am proud of you all. Chinese families often think we need to pass down property or wealth to the next generation. But I think helping children know God is more important than earthly wealth. Children need to know God and learn to develop intimacy with God for themselves. I’ve prayed for this nearly every day.
How did you handle it when us kids were kind of lukewarm during our teenage years?
In addition to praying for you, I used car rides to talk with you about God. Do you remember? Whenever you asked me for a ride somewhere, I’d use the time to tell you stories in hopes it would encourage you in the faith and to resist temptations. You were trapped in the car and would have to listen to me haha. I would also try and recommend Christian books for you to read.

How did you become a Christian?
When I was 15, a friend invited me to her youth group. Though I was from a traditional Buddhist family, I enjoyed going because the activities were fun. After three years, I accepted Jesus to be my personal Savior and my life really changed.
Before I accepted Jesus, I was very shy and lacked confidence. After I knew Jesus, he changed my thinking and view of myself. As well, I began to see the difference between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. When I used to go to the temple with my mom, I would leave sensing bad things were going to happen. Every time I left church, I felt joy, peace and God’s protection.

Can you tell us about your daily routine?
God’s beauty attracts me. There is nothing more important to me than God. I have my daily duties, my church duties, and then I spend my free time enjoying his presence. During these times, I read and meditate on his Word, sing in the spirit, and intercede for our family, the church, for God’s Kingdom and more.
What is your favourite way to experience God?
My favourite way to worship God is through singing. Even before I became a Christian, I always enjoyed singing and was in the school choir. Actually my dream was to become a pop singer and I even had the opportunity to record an album. But shortly after it was finished, I developed a cough that lasted for six months. It was one way I felt God was closing that door. But that's OK. Many years later, I was able to create a Christian album thanks to your dad's encouragement. I was happy it was well received and allowed us to generate some income for the ministry. I hope we can pass it down through our future generations.
[Note: Mom literally has the best voice I know. It's crystal clear and her range is incredible!! Have a listen, YouTube links below:
Afterwards I began to see that my voice was a gift from God and could be used to grow in intimacy with him and attract others to him. During worship, I can sense the heavens open and am touched by the love of God. God has given me the ability to sing in the spirit and to create new songs and melodies for him.
I also enjoy meditating on the Bible; it brings life to me. And I enjoy soaking in the presence of God. In England, in 1995, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. After experiencing God in this way, I was transformed and he became the centre of my life. He put his fire in my heart and it has never grown cold. Hours pass by so quickly, I can never get enough of him.

When did you feel God call you to become a pastor?
I felt God call me to full time ministry when I was in university. At the time, I didn’t think it was to be a pastor. Perhaps another role in the church. To be honest, I thought being in ministry would be difficult and I didn’t really want to accept the calling.
Shortly afterwards, I got married and your dad and I moved from Taiwan to England for graduate studies. We entered a dry season. It seemed we couldn’t find a church and we didn’t have fellowship. I began to cry out to God, asking where he was in all this. It was then that I felt him call me to serve him again and this time I gladly accepted. I began to see the beauty of serving God because he is God, whereas before I was focused on the potential suffering.
But it was still many years before I became a pastor. I feel God spent a lot of time preparing me by hiding me in his secret place, calling me to spend time with him first like Mary of Bethany. He was showing me that if I don’t know how to serve him then I won’t know how to serve people. This became the foundation of my ministry.
While serving God and people in the role of pastor isn’t always easy, there is nothing better than seeing people come to Christ and grow in their faith. I remember that Jesus is coming soon; I want to wait for him expectantly and help others do this too. To not allow sin to stain our robes of righteousness but to learn how to be more and more like Christ.

Love you, Mom!
Mom is incredible. She’s always been the best role model when it comes to loving God. If we couldn’t find mom, we always knew she’d be in the piano room, sitting in her favourite spot praying. I am sure that I have been blessed and protected in and from many things because of my mom’s faithful prayers!!!
As I considered this, I told her that what I'm doing with The Yay Project probably has something to do with her prayers. She said she always knew I could talk and write, and encouraged me to serve the church perhaps in women's ministry. My response? Apparently it was a flat out "No, I don't want to!" I asked her when this happened, thinking it was probably when I was a teenager. She said it was just a few years ago! (Lol oh how things can change.) Despite my reaction, she kept praying God would use me... and she's still praying now and prophesying opportunities.
I'm so touched by her faithful prayers and pray I can do this for my future children as well. Hope this is encouragement for all the mamas out there. God hears your prayers and they matter! Don’t give up even if it takes your daughter 30 years to fully surrender to God. ;)
Mom’s favourite things
Bible verses: Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 41:10
Worship songs: O The Blood Chords - Gateway Worship
Ways to worship: Singing, reading the Bible, meditating on scripture
Fashion item: earrings (Mom and I have many matching pairs!)
Place: Israel