What to Do When Faith Is at 51%

The other day God asked me to look up Transformation Church. I know of them (Tulsa, OK-based church with crazy cool handover story, pastors, style) and have seen a few sermons but they’re not part of my day to day. I think I was praying about something to watch given I’m on a self-imposed Netflix fast and God reminded me of them. So I pulled up their YouTube and dug into their current series “Crazy Faith” ... and I’m loving it.
I’ve watched Crazy Faith (part 1), Baby Faith (part 2) and now Maybe Faith (part 3). And Maybe Faith drilled in some truths that I think God really wanted me to know.
1. The OPPOSITE of faith is not doubt. It’s fear.
See Mark 4:35-41. While we are full of fear, Jesus is so chill that he’s sleeping. Because he’s got us and he’s got our situations.
He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? (Mark 4:40-41)
2. NOBODY is 100% sure.
People think doubt disqualifies their faith. But doubt is a part of this fallen world; it comes with our flesh. Even Jesus doubted.
saying, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42)
Pastor Mike reminds us that Jesus was all God and all human so God had to put in a moment where he doubted. But he responded to the doubt with faith.
For we know in part and we prophesy in part, (1 Corinthians 13:9)
(Also Pastor Mike was giving some funny examples. “Maybe I married the right person. *laughter from audience* ‘You’re gonna act like you were 100% sure? When you made that move when you said ‘I do’? You’re gonna act like you were 100% sure? Nobody is 100% sure! What you’re doing is stepping out in faith saying 'Maybe this is you, God.’" Married people would love to know what you think!)
3. 51% is ENOUGH for God to work your miracle.
God wants your faith past the middle ... you can see the miracle at 51%. Hear from God and put your faith at 51%.
“Maybe he will, maybe he won’t ... but it won’t be he won’t because I didn’t believe him.” - Pastor Mike.
“No matter what you do, no matter if you’re on a platform, no matter if God’s using you in great ways in your company or your business, there will always be an area where you are deficient. And that gap is for faith to fill it.” - Pastor Mike.
My thoughts + Prayer
My faith has been growing this season but I can still feel guilty (even though I know there’s no condemnation!) when my faith is not 100%. This sermon was so good at setting me free from that.
God, I thank you for your mercy and endless love. It’s times like this that I’m reminded again of how much you truly love and want to grow me into your likeness (aka leading me to that sermon and then waking me up from a nap with a “write down what you have learned!” lol. OK!). When I’m weak and confused, you lead me. Please keep leading me. My heart and my life are yours to use. ❤️ #theyayproject