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Equipped by the Power of God

Writer's picture: Jenni LienJenni Lien

Jenni Lien Christian blogger

So, it’s Christmas Eve!

Part of me wants to say something like “Wow, this year flew by.” And it’s partially true. This fall flew by. You know when you’re in such a sweet season and want to savour every moment, and you try to… but time seems to pass so quickly? That’s been my fall.

But before this, I had a summer of transition. Leaving Hong Kong after nearly 7 years, travelling for the first time since the pandemic (to LA and Vancouver), moving home to Canada, and healing from a period of extreme stress and burnout.

And before the summer… honestly, do I even dare think about what the first half of the year was like. Just kidding. I love to stare life in the face, even when it’s painful, because I know that I know that I know that Jesus never leaves my side. So amidst all the pray/crying about missing home, the frustration about going into Hong Kong’s fifth lockdown, and even dipping my toe back into dating, it all seemed like such a process, after three years of things feeling like a ‘process,’ and then when things started to move… it was walking by faith when:

  • Health issues emerged

  • Doors closed (that should have easily been open)

  • Years-long dreams seemed possible

  • Choosing the riskiest, most life-changing option seemed to be the right option

Walking by faith in God… there is no better way to live, amen?

As things changed this year, I remembered the last graphic I posted in 2021. During a journaling session on hopes and dreams for 2022, I felt the Holy Spirit whisper to me “Wait and see, you have no idea how wonderful your life will be.” I believed him, but still amidst my many years of waiting, I knew God’s definition of wonderful would be best but could be very different than what I was imagining!

Waterloo Ontario Canada suburb sunset
From this fall... Canadian sunsets are something else!

In the caption I wrote to accompany this first post of 2022, I reflected on how, at the end of 2020, I asked God to “change everything” because I’d randomly read an interview with a rapper (whose name escapes me) who shared about being broke and destitute, asking God to change everything… and he did. I reasoned, if God would do it for him, why wouldn’t he do it for me? And then at the end of 2021, many things had good changes had happened but not necessarily the type of change I was hoping for. Two years later though, God has indeed changed my life in the way I was hoping for… and it’s still unfolding. Things I am praying about include:

  • Serving God in a new city (and living abroad again for 3 months before the move)

  • Building an Earth-shaking business that helps others live for God 100%

  • Owning my dream home

  • Living more and more naturally supernatural

I often need the reminder that we’re never in a situation where everything makes sense. We wouldn’t need faith if we could figure everything out for sure, right? But I am growing in the assurance that God is always with me. I have the Holy Spirit in me — literally, I am equipped by the power of God to complete every good work he has assigned to me.

Can we say this out loud together?

I have the Holy Spirit in me — literally, I am equipped by the power of God to complete every good work he has prepared for me.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:15-17)
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10)

We’re nearing the end of 2022 and friend there is so much to come. Our God is so magnificent… the things he’s planning — for us, those around us, the world — it’s unimaginable. Whatever happens, we can always, in every season, have FULL confidence that our God reigns. May we ask him to reign in us.

Waterloo Ontario Canada suburb snow fall
Our snowy scene this morning :)

Let’s live lives fully surrendered to God, trusting him with all the twists and turns. And trust me: if he’s making you wait a long time for something, he’s doing something in your waiting. Maybe it seems like everything he’s doing is invisible, e.g. he’s purifying your heart and strengthening your character. But friend, being prepared and equipped by the God of all: what a privilege. What a gift. :)


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