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Jenn Mejia, a nurse and faith writer based in North Carolina, USA

Writer's picture: Jenni LienJenni Lien

Jenn Mejia of Graceful Still Christian Blog on The Yay Project

Please say a big hello to Jenn! I can't really remember how Jenn and I met on Instagram but I do know that it's always a joy seeing her posts pop up. Her graphics are beautiful and her words... honestly, her words blow me away. They are so full of love for and faith in God during mountaintop AND valley seasons. One thing we connected over was that we both had tough 2019s and through it God encouraged us both to launch faith-based blogs and social media accounts. For Jenn, God has lead her to create Graceful Still which aims to empower women to give their brokenness to Him and be unashamed of their imperfections. Amen!

Read on to learn about how God is moving in our beautiful, adventurous (she almost ate a rat!!!), big hearted sister.

Graceful Still Christian Blog

Name: Jenn Mejia

Location: Durham, North Carolina

Age: 29

Jenn Mejia Graceful Still

Hi Jenn! Welcome! Please tell us about yourself.

Well hello there! It's always so interesting when I'm asked to say something about myself... where do I start?

Well, my name is Jennifer, but most call me Jenn. I am a travel nurse who was born in New Jersey but of Dominican descent. I've never actually lived in Jersey, I was literally born there and my mom returned to the Dominican Republic shortly after.

English is my second language as I lived in the Dominican Republic for the earlier part of my childhood. At eight years old my mom sent me to live with my aunt and uncle in Atlanta in hopes I'd get a better education, and I basically settled there until I graduated college.

I am an extroverted Latina whose laugh can be heard across the room. I love to travel the world any chance I get. Last year I was in Thailand and was almost convinced to eat a fried rat (when in Thailand... why not?). If food was considered a language it would be my third. I used to be such a picky eater but learned I couldn’t be like that especially when traveling. Now I’m willing to try just about anything, with the exception of super spicy things.

I should probably be sponsored by Michael’s as I practically have their entire crafts section at home. Growing up, anything that involved arts and crafts grabbed my attention and I also loved to write short stories and check out more books than my hands could hold.

All in all, I love to spend time with my family and friends and making people laugh. I am single with no pets but would love a dog one day.

My hope is to share Jesus in the most tangible ways and to live unashamed of my imperfections. After all, our imperfections are God's platform to magnify His greatness.

Graceful Still Christian Blog

How did you become a Christian?

I grew up thinking I was a Christian, but deep down knew there was such a disconnect. If I think back about when I “became a Christian” I would say that was around seven years old. That is the first time I can remember doing the salvation prayer. But I was honestly too young to really understand what that meant. The only thing I was certain of was that there had to be more to life than barbies, cars, and games.

As the years went by I started to wonder why my family didn’t attend church regularly. We would go to services here and there, but there wasn’t any consistency. We even went to a conference when I was 13 and I made a profession of faith, yet again, but this time it was out of fear of going to Hell.

Even then God used that confession and profession of faith to implant a seed in me. I can say it was at that moment that I really began to feel conviction in my heart whenever I did something wrong. It was as if a switch was turned on and I finally knew that God existed and my purpose was to please Him.

What’s your favourite way to experience God?

I honestly love to experience God in many ways, but there is just something about the quietness of the morning. There is something about waking up before anyone else, sitting in silence and listening to that still small voice that whispers to my heart.

If I had to pick a favorite that would be it. Waking up early in the morning, brewing a cup of coffee and sitting in complete silence as I let His voice and presence be the only thing I hear.

I also love to experience God through nature and through my travels. I am awestruck every time I go outside and see the trees (to some they seem so “regular”, but to me it's a way of tangibly seeing God’s creation) and to that seeing the rest of the world.

I know you said one way and I’ve already mentioned, two, but I can’t help but mention experiencing God through people. Seeing how the body of Christ comes alive, seeing people share their faith or just having simple life-changing conversations brings joy to my heart.

Graceful Still Christian Blog

What does celebrating your God-given design mean to you?

To me, celebrating my God-given design means celebrating my imperfections. For so long I pretended to be okay while I served in the church. I pretended to not have any insecurities and hid my brokenness out of fear of being weak. Yet, it was in my weakness that Christ met me. It was there where He called me His. Celebrating my imperfections doesn’t mean I go around sinning and doing everything I want just because it's okay to be imperfect. It means that I get to let the Lord teach me daily the meaning of His unending grace. It means that I can come to him boldly, and honestly about the real struggles I am facing without fearing the shame of being rejected.

How do you hold onto this when times are tough?

I used to not know how to hold on when times were tough. My first inclination was always to frantically panic and run over to my best friends hoping they’d have wise answers. But after much heartbreak, being in the wilderness, and experiencing grief I would say I know a little about holding on when times get tough. The way I hold on is through prayer, journaling what I’m feeling and what I feel the Lord is speaking to me. I also can’t stress enough about spending time in the Word. Going to His word and seeking the truth to it. No friend, self-help book, or social media likes will ever replace the power the Bible has over our life to speak the truth in the times we need it most. And relying on the Holy Spirit to give me the strength I need to keep facing the obstacles of life on this side of eternity.

Graceful Still Christian Blog

You’ve recently started Graceful Still. Please tell us about your mission!

The mission of Graceful Still is simple: to empower women to give their brokenness to God unashamed of their imperfections. My mission for Graceful Still is that women learn how to live their day-to-day lives in the truth of God’s grace even in their shortcomings. I am passionate about sharing my life and the daily struggles, while pointing back to Jesus and how He is enough.

I want women to join me on a journey to get to know God’s word, to fall more in love with who God is, and to seek to know and serve God not for what He can give us, but in humility as we offer ourselves up to him.

How did Graceful Still get started?

I have always wanted to write and share my story, but it felt like what I had to offer was not worth sharing. In 2019, life threw a series of curveballs that had me come face to face with the reality that life is too short to not do what you’re passionate about. After going through cancer, heartbreak and everything in between I felt God tugging at my heart and telling me to share my story. He would not let it go. I had previously given the blog thing a try, but was too insecure and felt like I wasn’t good enough, but the Lord was relentless about telling me to write and share my story.

Graceful Still was born out of my desire to serve the Lord and the answer to a prayer for purpose.

Graceful Still Christian Blog

What is one thing God has taught you while working on Graceful Still?

PATIENCE. He has taught me that this journey will require my patience and trust in Him. Blogging is not easy. Being vulnerable and sharing my struggles is not easy, and yet He has called me to do it anyway. He has taught me that there will be a learning curve, but He is using this time to humble me and to prune me as He opens doors for me to continue to serve and trust Him.

Can you share more about your vision for Graceful Still moving forward?

My vision for Graceful Still is for it to become a community for women to gather and know that this a safe place to share your brokenness and struggles as you live out your faith. I would love to begin teaching women more about the Bible by hosting Bible studies and writing devotionals as well as having guest speakers who are living a life of faith in grace.

Most of all though, I want Graceful Still to be the little corner on the internet where you know you can come and be welcomed with open arms knowing that the truth will be shared in love, but the grace of God will always overflow.

How can we pray for you?

I love that ya’ll want to pray for me. How awesome! Pray that I stay in the will of God and not get distracted by what others are doing. Pray that I stay obedient and committed, without putting myself down by comparing to others. But most of all, pray that the Lord continues to use me to disciple to women as they grow in their pursuit for Christ. May we grow in truth, love, and grace.

Jenn’s Favourite Things

Bible verses: Psalm 46:10, 2 Cor. 9:8, Philippians 4:6-7, Joshua 1:9, Romans (the whole book! lol)

Worship songs: Bigger than I thought (Sean Curran), Waymaker (Upperroom-anything Upperroom really) and He has Time (Common Hymnal)

Ways to worship: In the comfort of my car on my way to work, or the shower (I am a total shower singer!)

Beauty product: I just discovered a toner from Thayers (Blemish Clearing Toner----AMAZING)

Piece of clothing: This is going to sound terrible, but since we’re just getting over winter my Lululemon leggings have been my favorite as they go with just about anything. When the summer rolls around I LOVE maxi dresses.

Place: Am I allowed to say the whole world? Haha, I honestly love to travel. If I had to choose I’d be torn between returning to Spain (I’d love to move there someday) or Thailand. I loved the food and the people, oh and history. I just loved it all. I would literally answer the whole world, though because that’s how much I love to travel.

Connect with Jenn

Instagram: Graceful Still

Blog: Graceful Still Facebook Group: Graceful Still

Thanks for sharing, Jenn!


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