Sharing on the She Speaks Life Podcast

*One of the many ways I love social media is how two sisters in Christ can connect from Austin to Hong Kong!!!!🌍⠀
Jenni Lien shares her story on She Speaks Life Podcast about living in Hong Kong and how she went from a striving self-focused life to a thriving God-focused abundant life. 💕⠀
She talks about the passions God instilled in her heart to carry the message of Jesus through her ministry called, “The Yay Project,” and food blogging. We talk about living in this time of pandemic and how we can be purposeful to spread God’s love. 🙌🏻⠀
I love how Jenni displays her artistic gift and encouraging content through @the.yay.project to uplift others with joy! She is a light to the world and I’m so glad to share her testimony on, “She Speaks Life Podcast.” 🎧✨⠀
Hop on all podcast servers (Spotify, Stitcher, etc.) or listen directly from my bio link! ⠀
[Repost from@jaymeelizabethshespeakslife]
Had the most wonderful time speaking with Jayme, writer and host of the She Speaks Life podcast, wife, mother of three, and women’s ministry leader based in Austin, Texas. Before the recording, at one point I asked if she had any set questions and she replied that she doesn’t usually as she likes to let the Holy Spirit lead. I thought that was a really cool approach. So I too prayed the Holy Spirit would lead me and then we just had a great time praising God. Thankful for her uplifting, ‘every girl’ approach to telling God stories … every story is valuable!

Please have a listen and let us know what you think. 🤗 & if it blesses you, please share / tag your friends ❤️