Let's Ask God to Send Us Into His Fields

Nine years ago, I had just graduated and was spending a month in Taiwan before moving to Singapore for my first job.
I found a church and became plugged into the young adults ministry there. One of the leaders, a lovely, godly American woman took me under her wing and I can’t remember how it happened - maybe I was having dinner at her place and browsing her bookshelf - but she ended up giving me a book. But it was on an area of spiritual warfare I wasn’t ready to read yet. I knew God is more powerful than the enemy by far but still … I didn’t want to read about the messy stuff.
So this book came with me to Singapore and then to Hong Kong, each time sitting prettily on my shelf. I never had a desire to read it, but also for whatever reason didn’t want to give it away. Honestly I forgot about it most of the time but this week I felt God say it was time. Last night, I finally started reading it and honestly I was praying for protection as I read every page! The subject matter was so new for me. But no matter what I was feeling, I knew in God I am always safe. If he’s saying to read it, then he’s going to teach me things. And God (in his mercy!) has more than shown me how he is so faithful and can work with even the smallest steps of faith (Matthew 17:20).
The more time I spend with God, the more I love him with my whole entire heart. Some days, I look at my present and pray about my future. Some days, like yesterday, I realise how God is always putting things in place, even if we don’t realise how, or even that he’s working, for years. And that comfort of knowing that God knows me more than I know myself is like nothing else. Not that it’s always easy, but when I focus on God over my flesh, I know I am free to trust and follow him, wherever he calls. Bye by fear, you can’t stay here (Cory Asbury).
*For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10)
How about you dear friend? Do you relate to any of the above? Wherever we are today, I pray that we spend time everyday seeking God’s face. That as we know him more, we will love and trust him more, and be willing go wherever he leads.

May we always remember:
Nothing and no one comes even close to being as great as God
God is not afraid of the messy in us or in others
Sharing the gospel isn’t always a comfortable or cushy experience
Success is doing what God’s called us to do
It’s so important to obey God no matter what